Summer is Coming…

Summer is (almost) here!

And we could not be more excited about it! Make sure your pool is ready for a full summer of swimming, splashing and soaking. Keep reading for tips and tricks to get your pool in tip top shape.

Step Brothers Swimming Pool

Got A Pool Leak?

Swimming Pool Leak

Leaks are a very common issue for pool owners and managers. We get calls each spring from customers with pools that are losing a significant amount of water. In theory, it makes sense to call a pool renovation company to fix a leak. However, while we can fix certain leaks (depending on where they are), the most important piece of information is where the leak is located. If you don’t know where a leak is coming from, you could put a lot of money into a pool renovation and come out the other side with the same exact leak. So, who do you turn to for leak location? Go to the experts! There are many companies that specialize in leak locations. While many pool companies are capable of locating leaks as well as the other services they provide, they often don’t have the capacity to take on the extra work. A leak location company will get the job done faster. That being said, lead times are still high and sometimes you can self diagnose based on where your waterline hits. Below are examples of different water levels and what type of leak they might indicate.

Swimming Pool Leak Diagram

1. Below the skimmers: If your water level is at the bottom of your skimmers then you are probably dealing with a cracked skimmer that is draining water. If this is the case, a skimmer replacement should fix the problem.
2. At the Return Inlet: If your water is on level with the return inlet then you probably have a cracked line in the returns. You will need to determine which line is cracked and get that replaced.
3. At the Lights: This one is a pretty easy fix – you’ve got a leak coming from the electrical conduit line! The line just needs to be sealed.
4. Below the Main Drain: Water levels at or near the main drain typically indicate a faulty hydrostat valve. However, sometimes it is a sign that there is an issue with the main drain line or sump.

Swimming Pool Resurfacing, Tile and Coping Work

The pool industry has experienced a huge boom over the past few years. Demand is at an all time high causing lead times to be longer. This has forced pool professionals to really hone in on what they do best so that they can use their time wisely and provide the best service to their customers. As a pool owner, it is good to do your research and find out who to reach out to for your specific need. As discussed above, we do not do any leak locations. So…what do we do? Glad you asked! Keep reading to find out our specialties and signs that your pool needs renovation work.

Swimming Pool Resurfacing

Is the interior of your pool discolored? Cracked? Chipping? Especially rough to the touch? You might be in need of resurfacing. Even the best plaster surfaces deteriorate over time from general wear and tear or become a victim of chemical erosion or aggressive acid washing. Whatever the cause, a super rough surface is going to take all the fun out of swimming if people’s feet are getting cut up. While it may seem like paint or patching is the easiest route, these quick-fixes merely act as band-aids and will not provide long lasting solutions. In the long run, you will end up spending more money because the paint will have to be blasted off before a new plaster interior can be installed. Keep an eye on your pool, and when you think you might need to resurface within the next year or two, get on a schedule as soon as you can because wait times can be long.

Swimming Pool Resurfacing Before and After

Are you dealing with tiles popping out of place? Is your tile chipped in various areas? Does your tile look like it came straight out of the 80s? It could be time to consider replacing entirely. If it’s only a few tiles that are chipped or popped of, you can get through a few seasons by replacing them yourself. But once you notice that you are having to replace more tiles each year, it is a tell tale sign that it is time to replace the tile entirely.

Swimming Pool Tile Before and After

Is your coping cracked, loose, chipped or very rough in feel? You guessed it…time for a replacement! Generally speaking, if you, your kids, or your guests are getting cuts, scrapes or stubbed toes on old coping, it’s a good idea to think about replacement. Sometimes cracks and chips can be purely aesthetic, but keep an eye out each year and if you do decide to replace it, make sure you get on a schedule early.

Pool Strawberries

Strawberries…every year they’re a thing. And often people assume that kids get them on their feet because the pool surface is too rough. But most of the time, this is not the case. After months of being in comfy socks and shoes, the skin on your feet gets soft. When that soft skin hits any form of cement for an extended period of time, it is going to get beat up even with the smoothest plaster surface. There is a difference between swimming and playing – and kids take playing in the pool very seriously. Their feet are a reflection of that! A good solution is always investing in good water socks, or waiting it out until your kids’ feet develop a few callouses and are less likely to get strawberries.

Swimming Pool Volume Calculation

Curious What We’ve Been Up To?

At MAPR, we like a little friendly competition. So, we broke everyone up into basketball teams and created a points system, based on each pool renovation project, to focus on efficiency. March was our first full month in the game and everyone really showed up to win. Click below for a snapshot of our work from March!