Great Wolf Lodge

Kansas City, KS 

Blue Diamond Brite Interior

Project Assessment
“What needed to be done”

This Great Wolf Lodge has been open in Kansas City, KS for 18 years. Due to the amount of foot traffic that the pool receives, it usually needs to be resurfaced every five years. This existing pool at the waterpark was experiencing a lot of wear on the surface. There were several spots where the existing plaster had delaminated from the surface, exposing the rough gunite finish of the pool shell (we refer to these as pop offs) as well as additional spots of surface etching. These are common issues that can occur over time with a cement-based surface.

“How it was done”

This project was done in August 2021 and had a tight time frame for the completion of the work. The entire hotel was closed only from a Sunday to Friday afternoon for various repairs and maintenance. To have the pool filled and open for the public on Friday, our work needed to be completed by Wednesday. The existing surface was removed through hydroblasting and a new Blue Diamond Brite interior was installed.

Project Specifications:
Total SQ. Ft: 3219 Ft²
Pool: Activity Pool
Type of Construction: Gunite Pool
New Interior Finish: Blue Diamond Brite
Holes Drilled Through Steel Walls & Into Concrete Support Beam

Great Wolf Lodge
Kansas City, KS

Project Assessment
“What needed to be done”

This Great Wolf Lodge has been open in Kansas City, KS for 18 years. Due to the amount of foot traffic that the pool receives, it usually needs to be resurfaced every five years. This existing pool at the waterpark was experiencing a lot of wear on the surface. There were several spots where the existing plaster had delaminated from the surface, exposing the rough gunite finish of the pool shell (we refer to these as pop offs) as well as additional spots of surface etching. These are common issues that can occur over time with a cement-based surface.

“How it was done”

This project was done in August 2021 and had a tight time frame for the completion of the work. The entire hotel was closed only from a Sunday to Friday afternoon for various repairs and maintenance. To have the pool filled and open for the public on Friday, our work needed to be completed by Wednesday. The existing surface was removed through hydroblasting and a new Blue Diamond Brite interior was installed.

Project Specifications:
Total SQ. Ft: 3219 Ft²
Pool: Activity Pool
Type of Construction: Gunite Pool
New Interior Finish: Blue Diamond Brite
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